We've updated this guide to cover the new Vaporizer Triumph, and we've refreshed the Infamous section to discuss the Infamy changes and new methods of increasing your rank quickly. The Infamy system also saw some notable changes.

Instead of using Fusion Rifles, you'll need to land Rocket Launcher final blows to complete this season's weapon-specific Triumph. Updated September 29th, 2021, by Charles Burgar: Season of the Lost has refreshed the Triumphs tied to gilding the Dredgen title. If you don't own the Dredgen title, read out Dredgen title guide. Note: This article is about gilding your Dredgen title, not earning the default title. If you've never gilded a title before, this is a good place to start. You'll need to live and breathe Gambit to complete some of these Triumphs, but most of them are focused on playtime rather than incredible feats of skill. Out of the bunch, Dredgen is arguably the easiest title to gild. In Season of the Lost, players can gild the Dredgen, Conqueror, Flawless, Deadeye, and Unbroken titles. Related: Destiny 2: How To Increase Your Gambit Infamy Rank This system allows the most hardcore of Destiny players to show off their skill and dedication to a core playlist. A gilded title will display under your name with gold text instead of purple, also displaying how many times you've gilded the title. Some of Destiny 2's titles have the ability to be gilded.